

Seppi Enzio has greatly helped Bisonte with finding and sawing the right trees that we needed to make the teepees. A lot of work but the results are there. Earlier we got to know Seppi  as a mountain guide for the expeditions of Otro Elements in the Monte Rosa mountains. Seppi has been active all his life as a guide, and  ski- and climbing instructor and he has made his mark also outside Italy, especially in the Himalayas. Not only as an alpinist, but also as promoter and organiser of humanitarian projects, such as building schools and other infrastructure in remote mountain villages. With a group of friends he has now initiated the association Cuore Attive (Active Heart) under the motto “Un cuore attivo non dorme mai perché batte per gli altri” (an active heart never sleeps because it beats for the others). With this association it is his intention to continue his humanitarian work, not only in Nepal. In exchange for Seppi’s support for Bisonte we have financially contributed to this beautiful charity project. For more information check
